One Paragraph Movie Review: Eraserhead
Ninth film: Due to currently being in the middle of Twin Peaks: The Return, I jumped forward alphabetically to finally tick Eraserhead off the list. Look, in my twenties at art school I would’ve spastically adored this steaming pile of artsy Lynchian wank, and I have to admire the film’s ability to generate viewer facial expressions and memorable imagery, but hoo-wee, did Lynch get better at making things interesting since 1977. The most interesting thing about Eraserhead is its early indicator of David Lynch themes — chevron floors, transient femme fatales, meaningful trees, goop that looks like creamed corn, and things with heads made out of snot-flavoured chewing gum. And JACK NANCE! Ol’ Henry high-hair in Eraser head is wrapped-in-plastic Pete Martell from Twin Peaks. Well I’ll be. Still. Not my bag. One and three-quarter slimy plucked parrot-babies out of five.