One Paragraph Movie Review: Fantasia
One hundred and thirty-eighth film: Fantasia. Released in 1940, Disney’s then-groundbreaking animation-matched-to-classical-music juggernaut includes some bits that have aged beautifully and others that seem a bit more awkward, but one thing’s for sure — there are way more tits in it than I remember. Walt’s clear horniness aside, this is extremely charming, frequently cute-cheesy, and clearly significant for its time, and that’s about as much as you can say. Its intention is not to be deep or terrifically meaningful, and it achieves that goal. The memorable Bald Mountain demon, Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer’s apprentice, and hippo ballerinas take pride of nostalgic place over the relatively unremarkable barely-teenage lady centaurs, clunky dinosaurs, and sexy stripper fish — as they should — and all up it’s a decent time that you only really need to watch every eighty years or so. Two and a half inexplicable Cossack thistles out of five.