One Paragraph Movie Review: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Two hundred and seventh film: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, a Western that establishes itself 30 seconds in as the Westerniest Western you’ve ever seen. It has everything you expect from a Western — saloons, horses, Cuban heels, rampant sexism and gunfights, with little glasses of whiskey scattered around the place like commas in a long sentence. Originally I thought the title was a spoiler for what happens at the end of the movie, but now I realise it’s a spoiler for the only thing that happens in the movie. Despite Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas being neatly manly, despite the hypocrisy of a man getting let off for a stabbing but a woman going to jail for gambling with men, and despite a young Dennis Hopper bringing me joy wherever he pops up, this is an uninteresting movie. One of many different movies that tell the story of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday it is, at most, O.K. Two boring burning stagecoaches out of five.