One Paragraph Movie Review: Halloween

Jo Thornely
1 min readFeb 5, 2022


Two hundred and eleventh film: Halloween, the slasher film that introduced Michael Myers as a character and Jamie Lee Curtis as an actress, both unbothered by the inconvenience of hair product. One of the simplest horror movies of all time — psychopath escapes incarceration and kills teenagers — it still manages to tick a lot of tropes off the list, like Don’t Have Sex In a Horror Movie Or You’ll Die, Don’t Be The Obnoxious Annoying Character In a Horror Movie Or You’ll Die, Under No Circumstances Remember To Turn The Lights On, and Why Won’t This Psycho Stay Dead. Michael Myers is creepy as hell and Jamie Lee Curtis screams very convincingly, but the supporting cast keep going cross-eyed when they die, which is funny every single time. I can’t tell if I liked it or if I just respectfully acknowledge its significance to the genre, but either will do. Three repurposed William Shatner masks out of five.



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