When the Saints Go Arting In: Lucy
Today I learned about St Lucy. The bad part is that during one of those times when people didn’t much like Catholics, the story goes that she had her eyes gouged out. The interesting part is - as usual - the art, which depicts St Lucy HOLDING HER OWN EYES.
In this painting, her eyes are flowers on a stalk. Which she’s looking at. With… with her other eyes.
In this one she’s doing a very good impression of the scary dude from Pan’s Labyrinth. Imagine chopping a chilli with those things.
Most often though, she’s just depicted calmly holding her own eyes on a plate, like a bored waitress at a very weird restaurant.
Hi I’m Lucy and I’ll be your server this evening, our special today is eyes.
Although I do really like this one. It’s like psssst buddy, wanna buy an eye?
So anyway, this has been Eye Eye Captain: The Story of St Lucy. And as she always says: I’ll see you again soon.